Hardware IP

Modular hardware‐software co-designs delivering post‐quantum security, co-processing and side channel protection.
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Software IP

FIPS 140-3 ready modular cryptographic libraries, APIs and SDKs delivering post-quantum security and hybrid transition.
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Research IP

Setting the standards at NIST, RISC-V, IETF, NCCoE, World Economic Forum and many more platforms beyond. 20+ Patents.
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We work with

Our award-winning team works with international blue-chip organizations, disruptive scale-ups, and national bodies, throughout the technology supply chain. We are a source of truth for stakeholders at every level, and we’re seen by both customers and competitors as a world-leading provider of PQC solutions in hardware and software.



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We know the problem

The PQShield team is helping to shape the way our digital world is protected against the threats of tomorrow. At a time when quantum computers will soon be able to break current cryptography methods, we’re focused on empowering organizations, industries, and nations, with the ultimate quantum-resistant cryptography solutions.

We set the standards

Team PQShield comprises a world-class collaboration of post-quantum cryptographers, engineers, and operators. Our think openly, build securely ethos has helped us to shape all of the first international PQC NIST standards, and to be the first cybersecurity company to develop quantum-safe cryptography on chips, in applications, and in the cloud.

We know the priority markets


Semiconductors are fundamental components of modern electronics and the manufacturing industry requires quantum-secure platforms on which to build trusted devices and hardware.
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We help our customers

Collectively, we’ve spent decades developing the research, designing the solutions, and setting the standards in the field – bridging the gaps between academic theory and commercial practice, between openness and security, between the ideal world and the real world.


Our team takes pride in being a voice of reason in a world of hype and jargon. We’re here to guide you through every step of the way.


It’s critical to know where your cryptography is at risk. We help evaluate existing infrastructure, determining the risk and agility of the underlying architecture.


We can help design an end-to-end solution that is secure, quantum-resilient, and compliant with the international NIST standards.


The PQShield team have the resources, experience and expertise to work alongside or as part of your wider team, securely deploying entire end-to-end solutions.

We have a mature PQC security suite to feed the supply chain


Easy-to-use software implementations of both post-quantum and classical cryptographic primitives.
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We publish our work

Our team of experts are among the best in the field, and are committed to empowering organizations with the latest developments in post-quantum cryptography.

Why not check out Team PQShield’s latest PQC and security insights?